张权,研究员、博士生导师,上海市海外高层次人才、上海市浦江人才。2018年,博士毕业于日本京都大学(Kyoto University)。2018至2023年,先后在日本京都大学、新加坡国立大学从事研究工作。2023年5月,加入东华大学材料学院。主要从事金属及合金纳米材料的制备及催化应用研究。兼任Energies客座编辑,Advanced Sensors and Energy Materials青年编委。主要研究成果发表在Nature Communications, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Chemical Science等国际期刊,获授权国际专利2项、日本专利1项、中国专利7项。
2014.10-2018.03 化学博士日本京都大学
2010.09-2013.03 材料物理与化学硕士东华大学
2006.09-2010.06 材料化学学士河南大学
2023.05-至今 东华大学特聘研究员
2022.06-2023.04 新加坡国立大学博士后
2019.04-2022.06 日本京都大学特定研究员
2018.04-2019.03 日本京都大学助理研究员
1. Quan Zhang, Kohei Kusada, Dongshuang Wu, Tomokazu Yamamoto, Takaaki Toriyama, Syo Matsumura, Shogo Kawaguchi, Yoshiki Kubota & Hiroshi Kitagawa, Selective Control of fcc and hcp Crystal Structures in Au-Ru Solid-Solution Alloy Nanoparticles, Nature Communications, 2018, 9, 510.
2. Quan Zhang*, Kohei Kusada, Dongshuang Wu, Tomokazu Yamamoto, Takaaki Toriyama, Syo Matsumura, Shogo Kawaguchi, Yoshiki Kubota,& Hiroshi Kitagawa. Crystal Structure Control of Binary and Ternary Solid-Solution Alloy Nanoparticles with a Face-Centered Cubic or Hexagonal Close-Packed Phase, Journal of the American Chemical Society,2022, 144, 4224–4232.
3. Quan Zhang, Kohei Kusada, Dongshuang Wu, Naoki Ogiwara, Tomokazu Yamamoto, Takaaki Toriyama, Syo Matsumura, Shogo Kawaguchi, Yoshiki Kubota,Tetsuo Honma & Hiroshi Kitagawa, Solid-Solution Alloy Nanoparticles of a Combination of Immiscible Au and Ru with a Large Gap of Reduction Potential and their Enhanced Oxygen Evolution Reaction Performance, Chemical Science, 2019, 10, 5133‒5137.
4. Quan Zhang*, Kohei Kusada& Hiroshi Kitagawa, Phase Control of Noble Monometallic and Alloy Nanomaterials by Chemical Reduction Methods, ChemPlusChem, 2021, 86,504‒519. (Invited Review)
5. Maiyong Zhu, Yikun Cheng, Qiao Luo, Mohammad El-khateeb&Quan Zhang*, A Review of Synthetic Approaches to Hollow Nanostructures. Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2021, 5, 2552‒2587.
6. Maiyong Zhu, Qiao Luo, Qi Chen, Wenjing Wei, Quan Zhang*&Songjun Li, Glycerol-Assisted Tuning of the Phase and Morphology of Iron Oxide Nanostructures for Supercapacitor Electrode Materials. Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2021, 5, 2758‒2770.
7. Quan Zhang, Kohei Kusada, Dongshuang Wu, Shogo Kawaguchi, Yoshiki Kubota & Hiroshi Kitagawa, Crystal Structure-Dependent Thermal Stability and Catalytic Performance of AuRu3 Solid-Solution Alloy Nanoparticles, Chemistry Letters, 2018, 47, 559‒561.
8. Yunlong Wu, Pengfei Tang, Quan Zhang*, Yangtian Yan, Sheng Zhang, Guoping Yang &Yaoyu Wang. Nanoarchitectonics and Catalytic Performances of Metal–Organic Frameworks Supported Metal Nanoparticles, Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2024, 38, e7308.
9. Qinglin Liu, Jiahui Xian, Yinle Li, Quan Zhang, Hiroshi Kitagawa &Guangqin Li. Self-assembly Ultrathin Fe-BDC as Synergistic Catalytic Platforms for Selective Hydrogenation, CCS Chemistry, 2022, 4, 3275‒3284.
10. Zhe Tan, Masaaki Haneda, Yoshihide Nishida, Quan Zhang, Dongshuang Wu, Jun Cheng, Hiroshi Kitagawa & Bo Huang.Discovering Linear Descriptors for Activation Energy and Direct Hydrocarbon Dissociations by Dual-Atom Sites in Immiscible PdxPt1–x Solid Solutions, Chemistry of Materials, 2023, 36, 524‒532.
1. Zhang Quan, et al., Alloy, Aggregate of alloy nanoparticles, and catalyst. (WO2022/009871)
2. Zhang Quan, et al., Pd‒Ru Solid Solution Nanoparticles, Production Method and Catalyst, Method for Controlling Crystal Structure of Pt‒Ru Solid Solution Nanoparticles, Au‒Ru Solid Solution Nanoparticles, and Method for Manufacturing. (WO2018159644A1)
3. Zhang Quan, et al., Preparation of Solid-Solution Nanoparticles and their Catalytic Applications. (JP P200016887)